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Does my season change?
Nope! Our draping method looks at your undertones. Your undertones develop in infancy and never change as you age. When you get tan or lose color in the winter, that is your top layer of skin. It is amazing to see your undertones revealed during an analysis!

I’ve already had my colors done years ago, should I do it again?
We have had many clients come who previously had their colors analyzed. Color analysis was a big thing in the 80’s and 90’s! Often it was a direct sales model, and people attended parties to get swatches. Some of our clients even had their colors done through 4-H. Those methods are a wonderful starting point, but they are not as in depth as our draping process.

You cannot guess your season using eye color, veins, or the outward appearance of your skin. Thanks to our training, we can give you accuracy and confidence as you make many clothing and beauty purchases throughout your life!

What if I can’t wear black?
We are not the color police! If you have many clothing items outside your season, we have tips for that. You can often move a color to your bottom half and wear makeup shades that highlight your natural beauty. There is advice given on mixing pieces of your wardrobe together. We teach clients to build their new wardrobe slowly, over time. The next time you buy an item, it will be in your colors, and you’ll feel fabulous in it!

Do you always share our pictures?
Nope! We take your photo so you can have a fun snapshot to see the change in your skin. Since we don’t use filters or editing, clients are amazed to see the difference their WOW colors and a little lipstick make. These pictures are a resource for you and will not be shared without your consent.

Are you sure that color analysis will work with my skin color?
Yes! Color analysis can be done on all skin tones and ethnicities. Our makeup is customized to all skin colors as well with a variety of options for every unique individual that sits in our studio.

I’m worried about the makeup, I don’t wear lipstick!
We love making all our clients feel comfortable during their appointment. Instead of a bold lip, we can show you options like a neutral lip-gloss. It is fun to know there are colors you can wear confidently in clothing and makeup.

What is a Style Analysis?
Imagine showing up every day, to any event, feeling beautiful and confident! During a style analysis, you’ll gain insight on how to accessorize, build a capsule wardrobe, and shop for quality pieces that flatter you inside and outside. Save your valuable time and money by learning how to purchase items you LOVE and that love you back!

Your consultant will take into account your personality, your proportions, and preferences. Then we use that information to tell you the best silhouettes, fabrics, accessories, hem lengths, prints and patterns that you should wear!

Am I alone or with a group?
We add you to a small, welcoming class with 3-4 other women. This is so that you can see multiple shapes and personalities, allowing you to better understand your own style. You can also book with friends!

Should I wait until I lose weight?
Heck no! We help you dress and celebrate the body you have right now. All our measurements are vertical, so the information we give you on dressing your proportions will not be affected by weight gain or loss. We promise, you will leave your style class better equipped to dress and love yourself the way you are today.

How long does it take?
3-5 hours, depending on the group size.

What do I leave with?
You will leave with style boards custom to your Clothing Personality, access to our HoCLookBook app, and a book with details on dressing your body.

What is the cost?
Style Analysis starts at $295 per person

Why are there only daytime appointments?
We need natural light to do color analysis! We promise, we’re worth using your lunch break or some PTO for this valuable appointment. During the late Spring and Summer hours, April Coulter does color analysis from her in-home studio. You can email her for an early evening session at:

Are there classes on weekends?
Yes! Sherry Vanantwerp teaches weekend classes out of her studio in Norwalk. E-mail her for a weekend color or style analysis at:

Am I welcome in a House of Colour studio?
House of Colour believes that everyone is beautiful, and it is our mission to provide our clients with the tools and knowledge to feel confident as their authentic selves. We are welcoming to all and celebrate people of all sizes, ages, faiths, those with different abilities and all those who identify as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

How do I book?
Visit our contact page, and you will see a list of our locations and stylists. Select a location or stylist to be taken to their booking page.

How many people do I need to have for the group rate?
Our group rate applies to 2 or more people. Even for a group of 12 (yes, that’s a thing!) the group rate for color and style is still the same.

I don’t have a group but would like to receive the group rate. Can you add me to a group?
We sure can! Please fill out our contact form to request. Let us know your name, e-mail, and availability so we can find you the right match!

My company would like to gift this to our staff, how does that work?
You can book a day with our team to gift your staff the experience of a color analysis. Our large studio can accommodate 16 at a time, with an additional waiting area seating 8 and a separate room for food and drinks.

Color and style are wonderful bonding experiences that apply to every demographic and career. Learn to look more visible in front of clients or pick colors that highlight your staff for branding and headshots. Individual gift certificates are also available, if you would like your team to book at their convenience. Request corporate events here.

Do you travel?
We sure do! Our studios have everything we need to provide an excellent experience (including coffee, snacks, and champagne!) but we know that for some larger events, you’d like to be the host. Please contact us with travel inquiries.